Advertisement for Bid – FEMA Drainage Improvements, Cotton gin Road
Prospective Bidders,
Below is an advertisement for bid for the City of Uhland – Cotton Gin Rd. – FEMA Drainage Improvements. Here is a link to the bid documents, plans and specifications for your use:
Any addendum will also be posted to this link, if necessary.
For further information, contact Bryan Spina, P.E., CFM or Byron Sanderfer, P.E., CFM at 210.822.2232 with LNV, Inc. or BSANDERFER@LNVINC.COM
We look forward to your bid.
Thank you,
Byron G Sanderfer, PE, CFM, LEED AP BD+C
Vice President
Hays County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update- Public Draft Comment Period
Dear MPC members and supporting community partners,
The Hays County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan Update has been approved for release for public comment by the Hays County Commissioners’ Court. The draft has been posted to the Hays County Emergency Services page. Please share the link via web page, social media, newsletter, or whichever other means you communicate with your citizens.
Comments will be sent to a centralized email address for web submission and mailing address for hard copy submission for two weeks. At the conclusion of this period (July 26, 2017), you will receive an email with any comments pertaining to your annex for review and consideration. I will be ready to incorporate any changes (if any) that you choose to include. The revision period will take place from July 26-31, 2017, with a goal of submitting the draft to the Texas Division of Emergency Management for the first level of review by August 1.
Thank you for your continued support through this process.
Paloma Alaniz
Hazard Mitigation Planner
O: (512) 777-4612
9500 Amberglen Blvd., Bldg. F, Suite 125
Austin, TX 78729-1102