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Author: City Administrator

Hays County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update- Public Draft Comment Period

Dear MPC members and supporting community partners,

The Hays County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan Update has been approved for release for public comment by the Hays County Commissioners’ Court. The draft has been posted to the Hays County Emergency Services page. Please share the link via web page, social media, newsletter, or whichever other means you communicate with your citizens.

Comments will be sent to a centralized email address for web submission and mailing address for hard copy submission for two weeks. At the conclusion of this period (July 26, 2017), you will receive an email with any comments pertaining to your annex for review and consideration. I will be ready to incorporate any changes (if any) that you choose to include. The revision period will take place from July 26-31, 2017, with a goal of submitting the draft to the Texas Division of Emergency Management for the first level of review by August 1.

Thank you for your continued support through this process.

Paloma Alaniz
Hazard Mitigation Planner

O: (512) 777-4612

9500 Amberglen Blvd., Bldg. F, Suite 125
Austin, TX 78729-1102

Hays County Reinstates Burn Ban July 7 for Unincorporated Areas of the County

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County Judge Bert Cobb, M.D., has reinstated the burn ban for unincorporated areas of Hays County effective immediately.

After consultation with Hays County Fire Marshal Clint Browning, the decision was made based on continuing windy conditions and low humidity throughout much of the county. The number of grass fires and house fires has risen throughout the county, and chances for area-wide rain are slim.

Grills with lids are allowed to be used during a burn ban, but burn barrels, even with lids, are banned. Burn Ban violators can face a fine of up to $500.

I-35 Ramp Reversals: Northbound Permanent Entrance & Exit Ramp Changes and Temporary I-35 Mainlane Lane Closures

Changes are coming next week to the northbound Permanent Ramp locations on TxDOT’s Ramp Reversal Project from the Blanco River to south of FM 150, weather permitting. Current schedule is as follows:

Monday night (6/19) into Tuesday morning, Angel Brothers will close the outside lane of the northbound I-35 mainlanes between the Blanco River and Yarrington Road to complete striping and move signs to the new exit ramp north of the Blanco River. Once completed, new Exit Ramp 210 to Yarrington Road will be opened permanently to traffic. The existing exit ramp to Yarrington Road, 0.4 miles south of Yarrington, will be permanently closed and removed. The I-35 outside lane closure is scheduled from 9 PM on 6/19/17 to 5 AM on 6/20/17. The inside and middle lane of traffic on I-35 will be open to allow traffic to pass during this lane closure.

Tuesday night (6/20) into Wednesday morning, Angel Brothers will close the outside two lanes of the northbound I-35 mainlanes from ½ mile south of Yarrington to 0.6 miles north of Yarrington Road to move Portable Concrete Traffic Barriers from one ramp to another ramp under construction. The I-35 outside lane closure is scheduled to begin at 9 PM on 6/20/17 and the middle lane closure will begin at 11 PM on 6/20/17. All lane closures will be picked up by 5 AM on 6/21/17. The inside lane of traffic on I-35 will be open to allow traffic to pass during this lane closure, however anticipate delay through this area overnight.

Wednesday night (6/21) into Thursday morning, Angel Brothers will close the outside lane of the northbound I-35 mainlanes from ½ mile south of Yarrington to 0.6 miles north of Yarrington Road to complete striping and move signs to the new exit ramp north of Yarrington Road. Once completed, new Exit Ramp 213 to FM 150 (Center Street) will be opened permanently to traffic. The existing exit ramp to FM 150 , 0.83 miles south of FM 150, will be permanently closed and removed. The I-35 outside lane closure is scheduled from 9 PM on 6/21/17 to 5 AM on 6/22/17. The inside and middle lane of traffic on I-35 will be open to allow traffic to pass during this lane closure.

Thursday night (6/22) into Friday morning, Angel Brothers will close the outside lane of the northbound I-35 mainlanes from ½ mile south of FM 150 to 0.1 miles north of FM 150 to complete striping and move signs to the new entrance ramp. Once completed, the new Entrance Ramp to 1-35, ½ mile south of FM 150, will be opened permanently to traffic. The I-35 outside lane closure is scheduled from 9 PM on 6/22/17 to 5 AM on 6/23/17. The inside and middle lane of traffic on I-35 will be open to allow traffic to pass during this lane closure.

Laureen Chernow
Hays County