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Author: City Administrator

Notice of Public Hearings



The City of Uhland, Texas has received application for voluntary annexation proceedings to enlarge and extend the boundary limits of said city to include the following described territory,

BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 32.81 (Tract 2) of 52.459 acres of the Walt Schmeltekoph Jr Tract, A0367 Albert pace Survey, Tract 2 Vol 219, page 285. The additional/remainder acreage is in the Uhland City Limits (Tract 1) being 17.19 acres.

A public hearing will be held August 12, 2019 at 6:00 pm and September 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm at 15 North Old Spanish Trail Uhland, Texas for all persons interested in the above proposed voluntary annexation. At said time and place all such persons shall have the right to appear and be heard. 512-398-7399

The City of Uhland, Texas received an application for Zoning change from Agricultural to Planned Unit Development District (PUD)

ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 52.459 ACRES of the Walt Schmeltekoph Jr Tract, A0367 Albert pace Survey, Tract 2 Vol 219, page 285.

A public hearing will be held August 26 at 6:00 pm at 15 North Old Spanish Trail Uhland, Texas for all persons interested in the above proposed zoning change. At said time and place all such persons shall have the right to appear and be heard.

BEING 52.459 ACRES OF LAND FOR SITE BUILT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES SAID TRACT OF LAND with a 2.28-acre Commercial Lot on Corner of Grist Mill Road and Heidenreich Lane Uhland Texas.

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